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  • From Scratch: Brew includes recipes and top tips on everything you need to know to make your own beer from scratch
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From Scratch: Brew includes recipes and top tips on everything you need to know to make your own beer from scratch. Making good beer at home is easy, and oh so cheap. From Scratch: Brew takes the novice beer-enthusiast by the hand and talks you through every last step of the process. The craft beer revolution is upon us. All over the world we're enjoying bottles of American craft, old Belgian, real British ale and exquisite German lager, and you can make it all for yourself. You don't need to go out and buy loads of kit. With a plastic bucket or two, you can make beer as good as any beer in the entire world and customize it to your own tastes. Extracting from and updating his book Brew, James Morton offers comprehensive sections on how and what you need to get started, bottling and storing, a glossary of key ingredient types, troubleshooting tips and proven beer recipes that result in complex flavors; every taste and skill level is catered for. From Scratch: Brew isn't like other brewing books. It is for those who have never brewed and want to understand more, for those who have a basic grasp and a few beers under their belt, and it is for those with experience who want inspiration to continue to grow. Text is extracted and updated from Brew: The Foolproof Guide to Making World-Class Beer at Home by James Morton.


James Morton
oprawa twarda
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Liczba stron
143 x 190 x 22
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