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Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
Decanter: The World's Wine Legends
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Decanter: The World's Wine Legends

  • Over 100 of the World's Legendary Bottles of Wine
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For many years the world's most successful wine magazine published on their last page a monthly Wine Legend.

These were and, in some cases, still are the most sought after wines around the world from specific vineyards and vintages. Names that can bring a shiver to the back of a wine lover's neck and be spoken about in hushed tones. Chateau Palmer '61, Ridge, Monto Bello 1970, Biondi-Santi, Tenuto il Greppo 1975 to name but a few.

Kod producenta


Stephen Brook
oprawa twarda
Danann Media Publishing Limited
Liczba stron
218 x 279 x 24
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