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Power Systems by Noam Chomsky
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Power Systems by Noam Chomsky

  • Power Systems is the latest collection of searing insights from intellectual superstar Noam Chomsky. In this new collection of conversations, conducted from 2010 to 2012, Noam Chomsky explores the most immediate and urgent concerns.
Cena regularna: 49,00 zł(Zniżka 41%)
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ZESTAW -  Noam Chomsky

ZESTAW - Noam Chomsky

Cena regularna: 304,00 zł129,00 zł brutto
Najniższa cena z 30 dni przed obniżką: 129,00 zł
Taniej w zestawie o 57%
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Power Systems is the latest collection of searing insights from intellectual superstar Noam Chomsky. In this new collection of conversations, conducted from 2010 to 2012, Noam Chomsky explores the most immediate and urgent concerns: the future of democracy in the Arab world, the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the 'class war' fought by U.S. business interests against working people and the poor, the breakdown of mainstream political institutions and the rise of the far right. The latest volume from a long-established, trusted partnership, this collection shows once again that no interlocutor engages with Chomsky more effectively than David Barsamian. These interviews will inspire a new generation of readers, as well as longtime Chomsky fans eager for his latest thinking on the many crises we now confront, both at home and abroad. They confirm that Chomsky is an unparalleled resource for anyone seeking to understand our world today. Praise for Noam Chomsky: "One of the finest minds of the twentieth century". (New Yorker). "Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon ...he may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet today". (New York Times Book Review). "Will there ever again be a public intellectual who commands the attention of so many across the planet?" (New Statesman). "The west's most prominent critic of US imperialism ...the closest thing in the English-speaking world to an intellectual superstar". (Guardian). Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political books, including Hegemony or Survival, Failed States, Interventions, What We Say Goes, Hopes and Prospects and, most recently, Occupy, all of which are published by Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. He is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT, and is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics. David Barsamian is the award-winning founder and director of Alternative Radio. He has authored several books of interviews with leading political thinkers.
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Noam Chomsky
178 x 129 mm
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